Rokid - has came up with a technology that could help fight corona virus pandemic.

Photo source: Rokid facebook page
Rokid - is has came up with a technology that could help fight corona virus pandemic.

Rokid is Hangzhou, china based artificial intelligence start up company which has been working on research and product development of mixed reality and artificial intelligence since it's establishment in 2014. 

The company being one of the many striving to find solution for the covid - 19 pandemic they have come up with a solution that can detect a symptom of infection with virus with in a distance of 3 meters radius. It can detect thermal status of 200 people in a time gap of 2 minutes. 

They have came up with thermal glasses which use an infrared sensor to detect the temperatures of up to 200 people within two minutes from as far as three meters to detect possible Coronavirus symptoms. 

The product by the name Rokid T1 glass has a centeral processing unit produced by americal digital and wireless communication devices designer Qualcomm, with a camera of 12 MP. It has also augmented reality features foe hands free controls. 

The company said it has already sold roughly 1,000 pairs to governments, industrial parks, and schools.